
Juxtaposed with one another, the six buildings will create attractive interconnected spaces, and will enclose the new public realm. They will also close the vista from Albert Road across Centre Square.

The height of the buildings is stepped across the development starting at three storeys at the outer sites, closer to the residential areas, rising to five storeys towards the centre of the development. They will complement the open space they enclose, creating environmentally comfortable and psychologically pleasing places.

Enclosed on three sides by the new buildings, the public space will respect the existing proportions of the Law Courts and create a befitting, richly detailed civic setting. Above all, it provides a highquality destination for incoming businesses and the town’s diverse community.

Throughout the development, the iridescent cladding on the buildings with its colour changing and reflective properties will create changing colours and reflections when viewed dynamically.

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Total Floor Space

Net Internal Areas


67,490 sq ft


Total A3 Floor Space: 4,521 sq ft

60,044 sq ft


40,255 sq ft 

33,852 sq ft


84,417 sq ft 


Total A3 Floor Space: 5,809 sq ft

71,525 sq ft


18,600 sq ft

14,508 sq ft


25,518 sq ft 

19,515 sq ft*


46,789 sq ft

39,840 sq ft

* Estimated




Onsite Parking Provisions

Building 3/5 – 144 spaces
Building 2 – 57 spaces
Building 4 – 22 spaces
Building 6 – 99 spaces

Total – 322 spaces

Additional Parking Provision

Middlesbrough town centre is served by a range of Council operated and private car parks. The Council can provide companies with season tickets for use in the Council’s long stay car parks, seven days a week, at a discounted rate.


Typical Feature Specifications

  • Double-height entrance atriums
  • 7.5m structural grid, minimising the number of columns
  • 3m clear floor-to-ceiling heights
  • Floor-to-ceiling glazing providing good daylight distribution
  • Superfast broadband capacity availability
  • Designed to accommodate layout changes for flexible office space planning
  • Attractive public realm and informal external breakout opportunities on the doorstep